Host a fun bacon themed birthday party complete with a bacon piñata, bacon party games, bacon prizes, bacon cupcakes and more!
My youngest son chose the theme of his 5th birthday party when he was only 3, and he never once wavered from his desire to have a “Bacon Party.” It was definitely an odd request for a party theme, but c’mon, who doesn’t love bacon? I was excited to take on the challenge!
There weren’t a lot of ideas to reference when it came to planning a bacon party, but one thing that Simon was insistent upon was a bacon piñata. Yesterday I shared a full how-to tutorial, so if you’re interested in making a bacon piñata, too, click here for the details!
Oriental Trading Company provided us with goodies to fill the piñata, and I was totally impressed with how many bacon themed party supplies they had to choose from!
For our party attire, I used heat transfer vinyl from Expressions Vinyl to create a bunch of funny bacon themed shirts for my boys. I even made myself an “I ♥ [Kevin] Bacon” tank top!
For the party decorations, we hung up lots of red and white streamers and banners and a dozen of these fun I ♥ Bacon helium balloons.
I also printed and framed a few funny bacon memes and displayed them throughout the party area.
Our party guests played bacon themed games including “Pin the Tail on the Pig” and “Guess the Amount of Bacon Candies in the Jar.” We also played several rounds of “Bacon Walk,” which is similar to an old fashioned carnival cake walk. The kids walked around the circle from one numbered strip of paper bacon to another while the music played. When the music stopped, the kids jumped on the closest bacon strip, and we drew a number from a basket to choose the winner.
Naturally, all of those games needed bacon prizes as well! We handed out (from top left) bacon air freshener, I ♥ Bacon bumper stickers, bacon lip balm, bacon bandaids, Mr. Bacon bendy figures, gummi bacon candy (strawberry flavored!), bacon Duck Tape, bacon dashboard dancers, maple bacon saltwater taffy, and Sizzling Bacon Candy.
We finished off the games with the bacon pinata, and it was literally the biggest hit of the party!
After all of those games, the party guests were hungry, so we munched on pizza (topped with bacon, of course!), green salad (again, topped with bacon!), fruit salad and a plentiful amount of crispy bacon strips.
I took the easy way out this time and ordered our maple bacon, snickerdoodle and double chocolate cupcakes from a local bakery. It was a huge time saver, and I would definitely consider ordering our party baked goods again for future parties!
I can’t believe this kiddo is already five! He has such a big personality, and I can’t wait to see what kind of outrageous party theme he will dream up for his next birthday party!

Heidi Kundin has captivated the hearts of millions with her colorful and inspiring approach to crafting, celebrations, and family fun. With over 15 years of experience, Happiness is Homemade has become a must-visit destination for those seeking quick and easy creative ideas and last-minute solutions. Heidi’s warm personality shines through her posts, inviting readers to join her on a creative journey that’s fun, rewarding, and achievable. Heidi is also the author of Homemade Bath Bombs & More and DIY Tie-Dye.