Looking for some sample daily homeschool schedules to get you started? We’ve got you covered with a kindergarten homeschool schedule, an elementary schedule, and a hybrid learning schedule!

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Free Printable Daily Homeschool Schedules
Are you trying to figure out a homeschool schedule and feeling overwhelmed? We’re here to help!
There are LOTS of first-time homeschool families this year, and we totally understand that planning your curriculum and daily homeschool schedule can feel like a daunting and insurmountable task at times…but it doesn’t have to be hard! (We promise!)
We’ve had a TON of requests for us to share our daily homeschool schedule with you, so here you go! We’re sharing three different sample homeschool schedules with you so that you can get an idea of how we structure our days – we’re even including an alternative hybrid schedule that includes some in-person classroom classes.

NOTE: As eclectic homeschoolers, we use a wide variety of curriculum sources, and we tend to mix things up a lot week-to-week; however, we follow a structured daily routine to keep things consistent and make sure we aren’t leaving any gaps in our children’s education.
Even though there are specific times assigned to our daily homeschool schedule, we build in a lot of flexibility and leniency in order to stay in the workflow. This might mean that we end up spending an extra 20 minutes on journaling and a little less time on online supplemental games that day. Or maybe the kids decide to do their art project in the morning and take a late lunch that day. The point is, our daily time slots are not nearly as rigid and specific as they are laid out on our schedule – we use our schedule as a guideline more than a hard and fast rule.
Of course, you could choose to do the exact opposite and stick very firmly to the timeline that you lay out! Every family will have a different approach that works best for them, and it may take a few weeks of trial and error to learn how much time to allocate to your lessons in each subject area and how long it will take your child(ren) to complete the lessons. Adjust your schedule as needed until you find a flow that works best for your unique situation!

Sample Daily & Weekly Homeschool Schedules
The following are three daily homeschool schedule examples that we have personally used for our homeschool day. The first schedule is an all-at-home schedule that we used for grades 2-5, the second schedule is also for grades 2-5 and incorporates additional in-person classroom enrichment classes, and the third is a sample homeschool kindergarten schedule.
Note: the 2nd – 5th-grade schedules are rather comprehensive and would work well for older grade levels as well with a little modification.

All-at-Home Homeschool Schedule
I’ll break this one down a little bit further for you so that you can see what each one of those time blocks entails and how they help our day run smoothly!
8:30 am – Breakfast & Weekly Quote
We start out the day around 8:30 with breakfast and our weekly quote. I put a thoughtful or inspirational quote up on the bulletin board each Monday morning, and we discuss the meaning of it over breakfast each day. We give examples of similar experiences and situations, and if the quote is short enough, I will occasionally require the kids to memorize it over the course of the week.
9:00 am – Warm Up Activities & Spelling
Our school time begins at 9:00 sharp with quick “Warm Up Activities” that generally include a fun worksheet that takes about five to ten minutes of time. My kids are big fans of color-by-math sheets, word searches, and word scrambles, so we would add those into the mix along with printed no-prep morning worksheets (we also like these ones!) from Teachers Pay Teachers.
Every Monday morning, we also take a quick spelling quiz at this time as well. Admittedly, my kids are pretty good spellers, so if they breeze through their Monday morning spelling test, we don’t do spelling activities every day (maybe just once or twice). If they don’t do so well, we’ll do quick and easy daily activities with those words to better familiarize them.
Curriculum Recommended: Sequential Spelling (which builds upon vocabulary week by week with similar words), Spectrum Spelling, or Soaring with Spelling.
9:15 am – Grammar, Reading, & Journal Notebooks
Next up, we work in our notebooks, with a different notebook topic assigned to each day of the week. We are assembling a set of interactive notebooks that we are creating for grammar, reading, and writing that include lots of different language elements from different curriculum sources. We may also write in our writing journals during this time block using a writing prompt or a topic of the kids’ choice.
Curriculum Recommended: Growing with Grammar, Winning with Writing, Interactive Reading and Language Notebooks, and Journal Writing Prompts.
9:45 am – Literature – Reading & Unit Studies
For our literature and reading lessons, we primarily use novel unit studies that begin with reading books (lots and lots of books!). These fun novel units include all kinds of different literature, language, and comprehension activities that span a wide variety of language standard requirements.
Curriculum Recommended: I generally create my own unit studies by combining 2 or 3 different packets from our favorite Teachers Pay Teachers sellers like The Book Umbrella, Book Units by Teachers, and Project Based Learning with Elle Madison.
10:30 am – Snack Break!
Snack break and a chance to get up and get moving for a few minutes. Take your snack outside and get some fresh air!
10:45 am – Math & Catch Up on Unfinished Morning Work
Next up, we do our math work and catch up on any unfinished work from the morning. I like to devote a good chunk of our schedule to our math lessons as I often have to spend some of this time period working one-on-one with each of my kids to clarify lessons and reinforce skills.
Curriculum Recommended: McGraw-Hill My Math is our favorite, but Saxon Math is another popular choice of homeschoolers.
12:00 pm – Lunch Break
Time for a lunch break and some more physical activity (preferably outdoors!)!
1:00 pm – Silent Reading & Journaling
This is a time for the kids to read or write something of their own choosing. We end up with a lot of comic books and graphic novels being read during this time!
Curriculum Recommended: My kids are telling me to recommend the Dog Man, Stick Dog, Stick Cat, Timmy Failure, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid series books! For fun and creative journaling ideas, they also LOVE the Wreck This Journal books!
1:20 pm – Science, Art, History, & Social Studies
After lunch and reading, we delve into an assortment of topics that vary by day. We devote one day to science reading and learning, one day to science labs and experiments (this is everyone’s favorite day!), one day to art lessons and projects, and two days to history/social studies. We are working our way through our list of 36 Elementary Art Projects for Kids, and we have been having a blast with it!
Curriculum Recommended: We like using unit studies for history as well, so we use a lot of Teachers Pay Teachers resources including this History Mega Bundle. For science, we mix unit studies with Harcourt Science, and we use Studies Weekly newspaper-style lessons for social studies and science as well.
2:00 pm – Educational Games & Typing
If we are finished with our science/art/history lessons before 2:20, I allow the kids to go online for some educational fun and enrichment. We often utilize Khan Academy lessons as well as the Cool Math family of sites (Cool Math Games is a favorite!), and Prodigy games. We also use Typing Club and Typing Instructor for our typing lessons (which feel a LOT more like fun games than work!).
2:20 pm – End of Day Wrap Up
We devote the last 10 minutes of our day to wrapping up any loose ends, talking about how the day went, and looking forward to what we have to accomplish the next day.
3:30 pm – Extracurricular Activities
After school, we have extracurricular activities in the afternoon and evening hours. We don’t require our kids to do any of these activities, but they have all chosen activities that they like to participate in – coding club, piano lessons, baseball, and Boy Scouts are some of the things we have done recently. Many of these activities are currently on hold due to the pandemic situation, but coding club and music lessons have moved to virtual lessons so that we can keep going even during this time.
Homeschool Schedule with Hybrid Classes

This sample homeschool schedule incorporates a hybrid style of learning in which the students spend some of their time in a classroom learning setting. For us, these classroom style classes are a mix of traditional core curriculum subjects such as writing and science and fun enrichment classes such as computer engineering, art, and archery.
In this schedule, the students are attending in-person classes during the 10 and 11:00 hours Monday through Thursday.
Kindergarten Homeschool Schedule

Kindergartners have a VERY short attention span, so our daily schedule is broken up into 30-minute blocks that include transitioning from one subject to another.
Ideally, a kindergartner will have 30 minutes a day devoted to each of the core requirements – reading, writing/language arts, and math – as well as 30 minutes a day of exploring new topics (science, history, etc.) and 30 minutes of creative time.
In our schedule above, “Circle Time” mimics a traditional classroom setting where we go over the calendar, weather, and other morning topics. “Reading” may mean reading aloud to the child and/or working on sight words and literacy skills.
Our “Explore Something New” blocks are varied, but are generally times that the kids are up and moving around, so we don’t have a “wiggle break” of any kind until our snack break. During these periods, we often explore science topics and do experiments, learn about holidays/cultures or historical events, try out new yoga poses, and do educational LEGO activities.
All of our after-lunch periods are additional enrichment activities and fun family time things to do, so if you follow a similar schedule, you may choose to opt for a half-day schedule that ends at lunch time.
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We’re also currently writing a series of posts to help you learn about creating your homeschool schedule and planning your yearly curriculum, so if you have any questions you’d like to see answered, leave them below in the comments!

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Heidi Kundin has captivated the hearts of millions with her colorful and inspiring approach to crafting, celebrations, and family fun. With over 15 years of experience, Happiness is Homemade has become a must-visit destination for those seeking quick and easy creative ideas and last-minute solutions. Heidi’s warm personality shines through her posts, inviting readers to join her on a creative journey that’s fun, rewarding, and achievable. Heidi is also the author of Homemade Bath Bombs & More and DIY Tie-Dye.