Surprise your Easter hostess with this fun Easter Baking Gift Basket featuring cute pastel baking goods and spring treats from Cost Plus World Market!

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Every year for as long as I can remember, my parents have hosted a huge barbecue at their house to celebrate Easter, and our entire extended family joins us for a massive feast and Easter egg hunt. I have a very large family (including over 20 first cousins!), so there are usually at least 60-70 people at my parent’s home for the event each year – it’s a ton of fun! This year, however, Mother Nature derailed our traditional Easter plans after an extraordinarily stormy winter left my parent’s home in need of some major repairs that won’t be completed in time for our annual event.
Fortunately, my sweet cousin has offered up her house for our family to celebrate Easter, and I couldn’t be more excited about it! There will be a smaller group of us there this year, but it will be a lot of fun to celebrate the same old family traditions in a new location. The kids are super excited to see all of the new places where we’ll be able to hide Easter eggs! I am beyond grateful that she offered to host everyone this year, and I wanted to do something really special to show her how much it means to us all. Since she is an avid baker and cook, I decided to put together an Easter baking gift basket for her, and I headed to World Market to check out their Easter selection.
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I went to World Market to check out their fun Easter Baking goods, and I ended up picking up “just a few” things for my hostess gift (okay, and a couple of things for myself, too!)! I couldn’t help myself! There are SO many awesome Easter gifts and Easter brunch ideas at World Market! I have to give a big shout out to the awesome employees at our Roseville, CA store – they’re always extra nice and helpful! (Note: you can find your local World Market store here)
How to Assemble a Baking Gift Basket:

Start by filling a large mixing bowl with a bag of crinkle paper filler.

Starting at the back of the bowl, start placing your gift basket goodies, beginning with the tallest items in the back.

Flimsy items such as this silicone flower pan do best when their weight is supported by other objects. In this case, I rolled up two kitchen towels and placed the baking pan against the towels.

Isn’t this kids bunny apron the cutest? I rolled it up and placed it behind the silicone pan for additional support as well.

Once I have my back layer in place, I like to spread out all of the other gift basket fillers in front of me so that I can see exactly what I’m working with.

Continue to layer items from biggest to smallest as you work your way toward the front of the basket.

Tuck the remaining smaller items into any leftover spaces until the basket is completely filled.

I can’t get over how much I adore all of the pretty spring pastel colors in this baking gift basket! I’m seriously thinking I might need to go back to World Market to pick up a set of these pretty spring measuring cups and spoons for myself now, too!

I also picked up this Pancakes, Crepes, Waffles, & French Toast book to go along with my gift basket.

Because, helloooo, just look at these gorgeous recipes! I know that my cousin is going to love this book!

Once my basket (or mixing bowl, rather!) was filled to the max, I wanted to wrap it all up together with a few of the remaining items that didn’t fit in the bowl – namely, the book and a package of my favorite lemon poppyseed scone mix.

I cut two long sheets (about 3′ long each) of polka dot cellophane, and placed them on top of each other, going in opposite directions. I gathered up one side of the cellophane wrap and tied the top with a piece of twine.

I repeated the process with the other sheet of cellophane and used double stick tape to hold down any loose seams in the wrapping. I topped it all with a big fluffy bow and cascading ribbons, and now it’s ready to be gifted – I can’t wait to see my cousin’s face when she gets this fun package of goodies on Easter!
What’s your favorite hostess gift? Do you have any special Easter traditions in your family?
If you like this idea, don’t forget to pin it!

Heidi Kundin has captivated the hearts of millions with her colorful and inspiring approach to crafting, celebrations, and family fun. With over 15 years of experience, Happiness is Homemade has become a must-visit destination for those seeking quick and easy creative ideas and last-minute solutions. Heidi’s warm personality shines through her posts, inviting readers to join her on a creative journey that’s fun, rewarding, and achievable. Heidi is also the author of Homemade Bath Bombs & More and DIY Tie-Dye.