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Looking for random acts of kindness ideas? These Kindness Clips are perfect for Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17th), and they also make a great school-wide encouragement activity for children! A fantastic RAOK idea that’s great for all ages!

kindness clips for kindness day on shirt pocket
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Kindness Clips – Random Acts of Kindness Idea

I have to give credit to my boys’ middle school for coming up with this wonderful heartwarming Random Acts of Kindness idea that I thought was just TOO good not to share! Earlier in the school year, we learned that the school was leading an activity that was designed to uplift, encourage, and inspire students to be kind and compassionate. They gave each student a clothespin decorated with an inspirational word or phrase, and the goal was for each student to anonymously deliver that message to another student. The children carefully and secretively clipped the messages on to each other’s backpacks, lunch bags, and lockers when they weren’t looking, and the results were incredible! My boys came home beaming from ear to ear when they discovered that their backpacks were covered in messages like “You Matter,” “You Are a Good Friend,” and “Believe in Yourself.”

random act of kindness clips

This activity is awesome for any day of the year, but I think it would be an extra special Random Acts of Kindness Day idea! All you need are some clothespins and paint

rainbow kindness clips made from clothespins

For the lettering, we used iron-on vinyl that I cut with my Cricut Maker machine, but you could also use letter stickers or even just write the message on the clips with Sharpie marker!

rainbow kindness clips made from clothespins
cute kindness clips made from clothespins

We chose phrases that were short, sweet, uplifting, and perfect for all ages and genders.

rainbow clothespins with inspirational messages

We opted for an entire rainbow of inspirational messages, but if you’re planning on doing this activity at your school, it would also be fun to paint the clips in your school colors!

rainbow kindness clip on backpack

This Random Acts of Kindness idea makes my heart SO happy! Kindness clips are a great way to spread encouragement, motivation, inspiration, and of course, kindness to friends and loved ones!

Image of text that says Heidi

Check Out These Other Kids Crafts Ideas!

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kindness clips encouragement activity for random acts of kindness day

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    1. I clipped my clothespins to a wooden skewer and then just held on to the skewer while I painted them with a paintbrush – quick and easy! If you have a block of styrofoam or a cardboard box, you can poke the skewer into that to hold everything while it dries. 🙂

  1. These are adorable! I think they would work so well in the classroom with students for a kindness activity.

    1. I used the Bebas Neue font, and since the clothespins are 3/8″ wide, I sized the text so that it would be just slightly shorter (.284″) – the font sizes are different for different phrases, but they range from 23-28 pt. 🙂