Get busy learning and playing with these fun rainy day activities! Pass the time while you’re stuck inside with sixty-five indoor activities for kids!

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Get ready for a splashing good time with our colossal collection of the best Rainy Day Activities for Kids! Welcome to the ultimate indoor playground, where boredom is banished, and adventure thrives! There’s so many fun ways to unleash the hidden artist, budding scientist, or master chef in your little ones with our Free Printable 65+ Rainy Day Activities for Kids. No more gloomy days – just endless opportunities to learn, play, and create!
We’ve previously shared many easy, at-home crafts that would be the perfect rainy weather cure. Families loved and enjoyed making our Handprint Crafts, our super fun Popsicle Stick Crafts, and even these Construction Paper Crafts for Kids! All of these awesome projects make great escapes from the wet and cold weather. Now, we want to deliver the ULTIMATE list of Rainy Day Activities, all included in one handy, free downloadable form; so that you’ll always have the perfect remedy for that indoor boredom slump!
Print these activities, cut them out, and place them in a ‘Rainy Day’ jar to draw an activity at random when you need a little extra inspiration! In this list you’ll find exciting, creative ideas that are the perfect time killers for your next rain day! There’s printable games, hilarious board games, and at home crafts and activities that can be done with minimal materials. There’s so many great options to explore!
Discover thrilling science experiments, cozy storytelling sessions, and exciting DIY projects that will keep your kids entertained and inspired for hours. With each raindrop, create a new masterpiece, a heartwarming memory, or find a newfound passion! Don’t let the rain dampen your spirits; embrace the downpour, and use the time spent indoors to embark on a fun creative journey!
You May Also Like These Other FUN Kids Crafts!

Rainy Day Activities For Kids
Just because you’re stuck indoors, doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun! Encourage your kids to put down the video games, and spend time engaging in one of these quality kids activities instead. These rainy day ideas are great fun for the whole family! Each of these kid-friendly projects will surely burst the boredom bubble!
1. Make an Escape room using common materials from around your house! This blog post from Hands On Teaching Ideas contains TONS of ideas on how to create escape room puzzles in your own home, and even includes some free printable puzzles to help you get started! Such a fun activity for engaging both young children and older kids. Encourage them to work together to complete the puzzles, this promotes teamwork and healthy communication to solve a common problem.
2. Find the perfect place to Camp Indoors, set up a full indoor camping experience in the convenience of a bedroom or your living room. Use blankets, old sheets, pillows or even prop up an actual tent to get the real outdoorsy feel! Pop some popcorn and get out the flashlights for some spooky story telling time!
3. We’ve found the perfect remedy for burning that extra pent-up energy while being stuck indoors – Play The Floor Is Lava! Setup a safe, comfy space in your home so that kids can jump from square to square while pretending the floor is molten lava. See who can outlast everyone else with this hilarious, giggly good time of a game!
4. Make a Blanket Fort using pillows and blankets in your living room. Then, take turns reading your favorite book inside or having a nice quiet nap time.
5. Build an indoor obstacle course using pillows, cones, or couch cushions! You could incorporate the cones into a fun ring toss portion of the obstacle course, players will compete to see who can toss the ring onto cones the fastest and then continue on down the course!
6. If you’re totally stumped on stormy weather ideas, this one takes only a little bit of effort! Build a tall tower with cups and go bowling! Having your children keep tally of each person’s score is a great way to work on their math skills.
7. Have a hula hoop competition and see who can go the longest. Bonus points if you can sing your favorite song AND hula hoop!
8. Enjoy a total throwback game! Have an indoor sack race, using an old pillow case or you can use a set of potato sacks.
9. Play hide and go seek! If you’re in cramped quarters, try hiding stuffed animals or toys for your little ones to find instead.
10. Turn on some live music and play a game of musical chairs. Sing, and dance your way to being the last one standing!
11. Put together a puzzle, or craft your own family photo puzzle using your Cricut to enjoy together on the next rainy weekend.

12. Gather all the couch cushions, blankies and more to make an awesome blanket fort! Then decorate the inside of your fort with fun things like stuffed animals, pillows, or even a dazzling night light!
13. Play red light, green light as a great group activity! If you have too many kids to safely fit in one area, split them up into smaller groups and play multiple rounds as teams.
14. Learn how to make play dough using these fun DIY homemade playdough recipes!
15. Make fluffy slime using this easy recipe and you’ll quickly become the coolest Mom on the block! All you need is a bottle of white glue, small amount of Borax, some food coloring and water. It’s so easy!
16. Fold origami animals like these adorable bunnies, butterflies, or kitty cats! There’s a ton of cute animal options with full instructions by Origamy Way.
17. Build a playhouse for your toys using cardboard boxes or even an old sheet and a stick to prop up as a tent.
18. Cure rainy day blues and paint what you see outside. A perfect opportunity to grab a rain coat and get a little glimpse of the beautiful rainy weather outside!
19. Make kinetic sand using our easy-to-follow instructions! Make yours inside an old bin or tub for an easy mess free cleanup.
20.As an educational activity, engage in building STEM-inspired toys with your little ones. STEM toys combine science, technology, engineering and math. Little minds will quickly get to work building, creating, and crafting while still having childlike fun, and in turn gain problem solving, engineering and math skills that become invaluable tools when entering the workforce, or even just navigating everyday challenges.
21. Create a colorful salt painting like this Watercolor Birch Tree Salt Painted Project. Rainy days are the perfect time to break out the art supplies, and this salt art project was too much fun! The way the salt interacts with your painting is really mesmerizing, and it makes a great gift idea, too!

22. Playing minute-to-win-it games make for endless hours of entertainment for kids of all ages! They’re great entertainment options for kids sleepovers or even daycare activities.
23. Prepare for your next sunny day by making sun catchers. We made these gorgeous Melted Bead Sun Catchers of our own, they are the perfect craft ideas for those yearning to praise the sun again! They’re so pretty hanging up in the sunlight, you’ll be so glad you made them.
24. Make a marble run with some inspiration from Frugal Fun 4 Boys, a great engineering challenge for your older kids! Craft marble courses out of paper plates, cardboard, Legos and more. The options are endless, your kids will have such a great time they’ll likely spend the entire day racing!
25. Make homemade puffy paint using shaving cream and liquid food coloring. You’ll LOVE the amazing texture and marbleization you get with this easy homemade art technique!
26. Make paper bag animal puppets using these cute ideas from Simple Everyday Mom. All it takes are simple craft supplies like paper, glue and scissors. There’s so many adorable animals to choose from! Once you’re finished, put on a puppet show for the whole family to enjoy!
27. Set up a sink or float experiment like this one from Happy Hooligans that demonstrates density and buoyancy to young minds. Be true scientists and have them write down their predictions ahead of each experiment! We tried our own version of this experiment using oil & water, for a more controlled mess-free experimentation. Our kids totally loved shaking their bottles up and watching the mixtures separate each time.
28. Create an underwater experience inside of your home by making an ocean sensory bin like this one from Glued To My Crafts Blog. Fill your bin with shredded paper, sand, rocks, or even rice! Drop in some sea animal toys and critters and give kiddos some fun excavating tools like play shovels, wooden spoons or spatulas. Once your finished, put your bin away and save it for the next rainy day!
29. Make a colorful baking soda and vinegar volcano! Use some clay or playdough to create the volcano(Kids will love decorating it!) by forming it around an old bottle in a volcano shape. Start the reaction, by first adding baking soda to your bottle, then pour in vinegar slowly and LET IT BLOW! My boys loved this activity so much that they used an entire gallon of vinegar to make their reactions.
30. Build a cardboard hopscotch game by breaking down those old cardboard boxes taking up space in your garage! Nothing like a little decluttering while playing your favorite games!
31. Pretend play store as a great time killer! If you don’t have a pretend store area, just use your own kitchen! Set up some plastic cups and small food items to create your own play coffee shop! Or create a checkout line with stuffed animal patrons for a pretend grocery store!
32. Have a tea party indoors for an extra special, bonding moment with your little ones. Make their favorite snacks and sip tea(or juice!) while you watch your favorite movies or while watching the rain roll down the windows. The absolute perfect wind-down activity. My favorite tea times are followed by a good nap, after all.
33. It’s easy to pretend to play school using our free homeschool printable worksheets. This is a great activity for those with older children and younger children at home. They’ll have so much fun, they won’t even realize their learning!

34. Use blocks to build a city, make believe you live in this town, and craft all the spaces you’d visit together! A library, museum, grocery store, or park.
35. Break out a deck and play your favorite card games. We put together a list of 10 easy to follow card games for kids.
36. Enjoy your favorite board game with the entire family! If you’re stumped on ideas, check out this awesome list of the best family board games to play!
37. Build something creative with recyclables. Use up leftover toilet paper rolls, plastic bottles, milk cartons, cans, takeout containers, and MUCH more! These also make great inspirational projects for celebrating Earth Day or reinforcing a unit on reducing, reusing, and recycling.
38. Make word art from your name – turn your child’s name into a variety of contemporary art projects using paint, sculpting, or even poetry! Here’s an example of how we turned my son’s name into a cute alien creature, check out the step-by-step instructions!
39. If you’re totally strapped for ideas, try making a domino line and watch them fall. You won’t believe how much fun you can have with a simple line of dominos. Build them into obstacles for remote control cars, pets, and more!
40. Play what’s in the box?! In this game, you’ll put random objects(jacks, pasta noodles, cereal, etc.) into a box and have blindfolded players take turns guessing what’s in the box by feel only. It gets pretty hilarious! Keep track of points and deliver a special prize to whoever gets the most right answers!
41. This one’s pretty simple, but always makes for a nice rainy time activity. Enjoy a movie! Put on an old favorite or try something new and exciting. We love renting a good movie and enjoying it from the comfortability of our home!
42. Listen to a story or read a good book. This always makes for a great way to unwind, and if you have older children they can take turns reading to younger kids. Have them act out parts of the story for extra fun!
43. Make your own comic book and turn yourselves into awesome superheroes! Kids will love making themselves into their very own hero.
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44. Play balloon volleyball, or our own version of the game, Defy Gravity! The rules are simple – Don’t let the balloons touch the ground, using just your hands. It’s harder than you think!
45. Play Twister for a rockin’ good time indoors! Everyone in my family adores this classic board game, and it’s an excellent way for kids to work on their motor skills.
46. If you’re looking for laughs, play Beanboozled! The hilarious game that tricks players into eating jelly beans with either a delicious flavor like ‘birthday cake’ OR a terrible flavor like ‘dirty dishwater’! Do your best to pick the better flavor, it’s tough!
47. Make unicorn popcorn with this tasty recipe from Living Life As Moms. It’s a great movie-time snack or sleepover treat!
48. Bake a sweet treat, there’s tons of new recipes just waiting for you to try all over the internet. Check out these easy kid friendly recipes to get the inspiration flowing!
49. Make ice cream sundaes using crushed up cookies, sprinkles, bananas, or fudge icing! As a healthy alternative, substitute for frozen yogurt topped with fruit or gummies.

50. Make popsicles using any one of these 30+ easy and delicious Homemade Popsicle Recipes. Tons of yummy ice pop recipes with chocolate, fruit, peanut butter, yogurt, and more!
51. Make fun-shaped snacks in the designs of animals or objects! Using cookie cutters, stamp out cute shapes out of sandwiches, pancakes, cookies, and more! We love these snack ideas from In The Kids Kitchen.
52. There are almost always materials on hand to make paper plate crafts! They’re inexpensive, easy, and totally versatile. From wreaths, to dream catchers, adorable animals, pretty rainbows, and more! There are SO many different paper plate crafts to be made!
53. Create a “walking rainbow“ stem activity – a simple science experiment that includes colorful science lessons for kids of all ages! Plus, get 16+ Bonus FREE printable STEM activities and worksheets!
54. Bake your favorite cookies! Try your hand at making a tasty new recipe, or indulge in old favorites!
55. Learn how to make rock candy at home with this easy rock candy recipe and tutorial! A delicious and fun science experiment for kids that combines science and sweets!
56. Do a word search puzzle to get little minds busy! Grab any one of these FREE word search puzzles for endless amounts of fun word searching!
57. Color a printable coloring sheet for some soothing relaxation. We have free coloring pages available in a variety of themes!
RELATED: 60+ Fun Coffee Filter Crafts

58. Throw on your favorite tunes and have a dance party in the kitchen! Dance on tables together for an unforgettable memory moment.
59. Play “Would You Rather..?”, a hilarious family game that makes you choose between one ridiculous option or the next. You’ll be surprised at how your family answers these funny questions!
60. Make Tissue Paper Art using bleeding tissue paper. It’s really cool! You can turn boring vases into something more magical, or just sit down and play around with the medium like we did for this Hot Air Balloon Art project.
61. Grab some of Mom or Dad’s old clothes and play dress up! Let kids dress up like they’re going to a formal event or play like they’re going to work. There are probably tons of ideas hiding inside your wardrobe!
62. Unscramble words in a word scramble game like these! Word scrambles are great ways to pass the time and can reaffirm new vocabulary words to your little learners.
63. Try a candy science experiment like these 15 Candy Science Experiments for Kids. These experiments cover a range of topics from the basic scientific method to osmosis and chromatography, they’ll prove that there’s more to your favorite candies than just sugary sweetness!
64. Make a play mat from a shower curtain liner, it’s SUPER easy to create with just a simple inexpensive shower curtain liner, a Sharpie marker, and some crayons! Kids can have fun drawing roads for cars, and cities, or just enjoy doodling their own artwork!
65. Let loose and sing your favorite songs!
66. There’s nothing I want more during wet, rainy weather than to cook a batch of soup! Try taking online cooking classes and work through some new recipes as a family. We made our own batch of homemade minestrone soup and it’s seriously SO easy! It’s a great way to get the kids involved in a simple recipe and a fun option for using up any extra or leftover vegetables.
67. Build the tallest block tower you can! See who can build their tower highest before they fall down.
68. Our entire family loves to play charades! We had such a riotous good time acting out all the different cue cards! You can easily make your own game or head over to our post for a free printable Halloween Charades Game.
Get the Printable Rainy Day Activities Here
This file is Printable #149 in our Freebie Library! Get the password to our Freebie Library by signing up for our Email Club in the form below! If you are already a club member with the password, hop on over to the Freebie Library to download the file now!
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The ‘Rainy Day Activities for Kids FREE Printable’ makes the best boredom buster! My kids and I have had a total blast trying new and exciting experiments, art activities and fun, entertaining games during our (way too long!) rainy wet season this year.
If you’re stuck indoors like us, download the free printable file so you can have inspiration on hand whenever you need it!
Be sure to keep these awesome activities at the ready for the next time you require some rainy day relief! You’ll be so glad you did! Pin this post for later so you’ll always have access to these amazing, quality-time projects.

Check Out These Other Kid Crafts And Activities!
DIY Gryffindor Bracelet Set
35+ Magical Harry Potter Crafts
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30+ Homemade Father’s Day Gifts for Kids to Make
35+ Easy Summer Kids Crafts
550+ Taylor Swift Friendship Bracelet Ideas
50+ Quick & Easy Kids Crafts
Easy DIY Sidewalk Chalk Paint
Don’t Forget to Pin these Rainy Day Activities for Later!

Heidi Kundin has captivated the hearts of millions with her colorful and inspiring approach to crafting, celebrations, and family fun. With over 15 years of experience, Happiness is Homemade has become a must-visit destination for those seeking quick and easy creative ideas and last-minute solutions. Heidi’s warm personality shines through her posts, inviting readers to join her on a creative journey that’s fun, rewarding, and achievable. Heidi is also the author of Homemade Bath Bombs & More and DIY Tie-Dye.